Parent-Teacher Interviews: Focus on what’s critical to you.
One of our core values at Fern Hill School speaks to the importance of working with parents: We believe that children develop best when there is an active and willing partnership between school and family. That partnership manifests itself in many different ways throughout the year, including during parent-teacher interviews. In just a few days, you will have an opportunity to connect with the teachers, discuss your child’s progress, and to continue to build that partnership.One of the most frequent comments I hear about parent-teacher interviews is that there is rarely enough time to have...
Children’s Possible Selves: Helping children reflect and plan
The approaching Thanksgiving weekend is a chance to slow down and, as parents, ask ourselves: Have we had at least one longer, reflective, supportive, and introspective conversation with our children about school? By now the children are once again fully immersed in school routines. After the carefree summer holidays, the school has now become a key part of their identity. It’s the perfect time to delve deeper and explore how they’re doing. They’ve had four full weeks to get back into the daily school routine and to get to know all their teachers and their expectations. They may have already...