Burlington Campus – Summer of 2025
Summer Camps at Fern Hill offers fun and unique programmes for children in Pre-school through Grade 8. Campers are grouped by age with programmes tailored to their specific needs. Fern Hill provides a safe, air conditioned environment with state-of-the-art facilities and outstanding instruction by experienced and highly qualified instructors.
Our Summer Camps will follow current Fern Hill School protocols. There are a limited amount of spots available for each camp. All camps will be on a first come first serve basis. Once these spots are filled, the student will be put on a waitlist. Register as soon as possible to avoid any disappointment. Camps run from 9am to 4pm. Before Care runs from 8:00am to 9:00am. Aftercare runs from 4:00pm to 5:30pm with prior registration. Students not using the before care service will not be allowed in the facilities until 9:00am. This ensures that all children are safely being supervised.
Fern Hill’s camp programmes run 9a.m. to 4p.m. Supervised breaks are provided for all campers.
Camp programmes begin at 9 a.m. Upon arrival, student will be dropped off at their designated area. Children will be dismissed at 4 p.m. outside the upper doors.
Please see the extended care form below.
Campers must provide their own lunches, snacks and drinks. Please ensure that all lunches and snacks are nut/peanut free. Campers will have two snacks and a lunch break. You may arrange with Axxis Catering at 905-407-6446, if you are interested in its Camp Lunch programme.
Your child’s camp experience is prepared and delivered by our qualified and dedicated instructors.
Once a completed registration and payment is received, you will be sent a confirmation.
The Registration, Health and Photo Release forms must be filled out for each camper.
Please make cheques payable to Fern Hill School. Cancellations a minimum of two weeks prior to camp date will be refunded, except for a $50 cancellation fee.
Camps for Children Currently in PS/JK/SK
June 16 to June 20 - Camp Wild
WAIT LIST ONLY – email fhscamps@fernhillschool.com to inquire.
Get ready to spend the week exploring nature! Campers will have the opportunity to create art projects with
items they gather from outside and participate in a variety of cooperative games with friends!
Instructors: Ms. Bohte / Ms. Doyle
June 23 to June 27 - Art Attack
WAIT LIST ONLY – email fhscamps@fernhillschool.com to inquire.
Grab your paint smock and ready for a week filled with arts and crafts! Campers will learn the different elements of art! They will have the opportunity to create their own masterpieces.
Instructors: Ms. O’Neill / Ms. Bohte
June 30 - July 4 - Amazing Astronauts (Note: No camp on July 1, 2025)
Take a trip through space and learn about planets and stars! Each day will focus on a different planet and campers will learn about our solar system! Blast off on a space-theme scavenger hunt at the end of the week.
Instructors: Ms. Keily/ Ms. Singh
July 7 to July 11 - The Mighty Jungle
Learn about the different layers of the rainforest and animals that live in the jungle! Campers can look forward to a variety of crafts and jungle-themed activities this week.
Instructors: Ms. Mancini / TBD
July 14 to July 18 - Around the World
Take a trip through the 7 continents and learn about different countries and cultures! Campers will learn different songs, dances, and create art from various places around the world. Children will aslo have the opportunity to taste test some signature dishes from each place! Get prepared to share your own culture with peers at the end of the week through a show and tell!
Instructors: Ms. Keily / Ms. Singh
July 22 to July 26 - Christmas in July
Deck the halls and celebrate Christmas in this fun-filled camp! In the days leading up to July 25th, campers will decorate the room and get ready to celebrate Christmas in July! There will be Christmas-themed activities, crafts, and games. There might even be a visit from Santa.
Instructors: Ms. Mancini / Ms. Singh
Camps for Children Currently in Grades 1-8
June 16 to June 20 - Outdoor Adventure (Limited space available)
Join us for an exciting week of Survivor and Camping Activities.
Instructors: Mr. Okis / Mrs. Okis
June 23 to June 27 - Awesome Adventure Week & Field Trip (Cedar Springs)
Join us for and exciting week of co-operative games and adventures. Plus a field trip!!!
Instructors: Mr. Okis / Mrs. Okis
June 30 to July 4 - Wicked Sports (Note: No camp on July 1, 2025)
Our campers will enjoy the opportunity for skill development and enhance their hand-eye coordination in a fun environment. Kids will engage in sports and fun co-operative games.
Instructors: Mr. Smith / TBD
June 30 to July 4 - Creative Arts Camp (Note: No camp on July 1, 2025)
Join us for a fun-filled week of surprises! Each day will feature different themes, activities, arts, crafts and games. Children will be encouraged to explore the whole creative process while learning new skills and making their own creations come to life before their eyes.
Instructors: Ms. Bohte / TBD
July 7 to July 11 - Nerf Camp
Join us for some friendly competition, team building and lots of fun with your friends. Teams will compete with foam darts through obstacles and battle zones.
Instructors: Mr. Okis / Mrs. Okis
July 7 to July 11 - Nerf Camp
Our camp provides campers with an exciting experience in music, enhanced by playing musical instruments such as the flute, piano, and violin. This fast-paced camp introduces campers to various activities designed to challenge and inspire their musical and personal growth. We will also become Art Explorers! In this camp, we’ll explore shapes, colours, textures, materials, and a variety of exciting ways to create art. From painting and drawing to sculpture and printmaking, we’ll dive into it all and have an amazing time discovering new things together!
Instructors: Mr. Smith / TBD
July 14 to July 18 - Creative Arts Camp
Join us for a fun-filled week of surprises! Each day will feature different themes, activities, arts, crafts and games. Children will be encouraged to explore the whole creative process while learning new skills and making their own creations come to life before their eyes.
Instructors: TBD
July 14 to July 18 - Wicked Nerf & Sports
Join us for some friendly competition, team building and lots of fun with your friends. Teams will compete with foam darts through obstacles and battle zones. Our Campers will also enjoy the opportunity for skill development and enhance their hand-eye coordination in a fun environment. Kids will engage in sports and fun co-operative games.
Instructors: Mr. Smith / Ms. Wood
July 21 to July 25 - Creative Arts Camp
Join us for a fun-filled week of surprises! Each day will feature different themes, activities, arts, crafts and games. Children will be encouraged to explore the whole creative process while learning new skills and making their own creations come to life before their eyes.
Instructors: TBD